Wednesday, June 22, 2016

But I have kids!

The one thing that gets on my nerves more than anything in the world is people who use their kids as their excuse to not eat healthy or work out.  Dude.  Your kids should be your REASON, not your excuse.  

I started working out daily when my children were 8, 6, and 1 1/2.  Anyone who has children knows that at 1 1/2, kids are in to EVERYTHING and do NOT want to sit still and watch a movie so mom can get a workout in.  Right off the bat, I worked out WITH my youngest, and always welcomed my other two if they wanted to join us.  I would let Emy sit on my stomach for crunches, on my back for planks, use her as my weights, give her one lb soft weights to use, whatever.  It allowed me to get my workout done with minimal interruptions.  Two years later, she joins me on most days.  She LOVES our workout time. 

When you work out in front of or with your children, you aren't taking time away from them.  You are teaching them the importance of being healthy from an early age.  You are teaching them how to take care of themselves.  Taking care of yourself, working out, and eating healthy is not being selfish.  It is being smart.  The more you do this, the higher your chances are of staying in your children's lives for a very long time and being around to hold grandbabies and great-grandbabies. Let them be your reason, NOT your excuse.  

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