I had been doing really well sticking to my Paleo eating plan before I started my summer classes. Then while on campus 3 days a week, I found myself not packing my lunch and eating more quick, easy things for lunch. When I would get home from being in one class for 8 hours a day, working out and cooking a nutritious supper were the last things I had on my mind. By the end of my class, my body was showing and feeling how bad I had slid off course. So last Sunday, I decided it was time to drag myself back up, and get back to what my body loves-Paleo and lifting.
After one week, I am already feeling better. Stronger. Last Monday during Beast Up Chest/Shoulders/Triceps, I attempted to go up to 25 lbs for my super heavy weights on the Military Press super set. I failed miserably. I got out 3 of the 6 reps in the set. So this morning, I was facing a decision when the Military Presses came up. Do I attempt 25 lbs again and possibly fail again? Or do I lighten the load, but potentially hinder gains? Muscles aren't built and fat loss isn't maximized when you don't push yourself to failure in weight training. So I decided what the hell. Let's go for it. I grabbed my 25's, and away I went. I poured all my energy and focus into those 6 reps, and you know what happened? I DID IT!! I completed all 6 with 25 lbs of weight in each hand!
The way I see it, you have two options when you fail. You can lay down and not get back up or you can jump back to your feet and kick some ass. I choose the latter. So far, I have a 100% survival rate. ;)